Thursday, May 31, 2007


Final stop of the spring tour was Rivolta, a huge, multi-building facility just outside of Venice. Early in the evening a big summer storm blew up and dumped heavy rain and heavy lightning. Luckily nothing got fried, and by midnight a cool breeze dried up everything and thousands of folks showed up to party in four simultaneously happening rooms till past dawn.

SAXIMUS & Jozefius played a 25 minute set consisting of Intelligent Designs and Labyrinth of Leaves, Scanned at Flutter-Speed for Ultra-Violet Nectar Glow.

Fiddlus & Crotalius had to split for the states because of earlier commitments, but SAXIMUS blew up a storm of his own! Concert was Saturday May 26 -- many, many thanks go out to Massimo Massarotto NWEAMO rep in Italy, for coordinating an awesome event (more notes below!)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I was there too. Actually Rivolta is quite a sophisticated night club as well with more than 4 bars and great food (hand thrown pizzas all night long). There were over 1500 people there on Saturday night (based on ticket sales at the door). The first train stop off the island of Venice it's a great performance space run by friendly, accomodating folks. Massimo did a fabulous job running the NWEAMO room where Todd & Joe (SWARMIUS) performed - some listeners got up and danced to Labyrinth ...
Great find - Massimo!